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This appendix describes how to use response files to perform silent or response file installations, configure network connections, and configure or start an Oracle database. It covers the following topics:

C.1 How Response Files Work

You can automate the installation and configuration of Oracle software, either fully or partially, by specifying a response file when you start Oracle Universal Installer. Oracle Universal Installer uses the values in the response file to provide answers to some or all of the Oracle Universal Installer prompts. It includes information about the following topics:

Typically, Oracle Universal Installer runs in interactive mode, which means that it prompts you to provide information in graphical user interface (GUI) screens. When you use response files to provide this information, you run Oracle Universal Installer at a command prompt using either of the following modes:

  • Silent mode: Oracle Universal Installer does not display any screens. Instead it displays progress information in the command window where you started it. To use silent mode, you run setup.exe with the -silent parameter and include a response file, which contains responses to the Oracle Universal Installer prompts.

  • Response File mode: During a response file mode installation, Oracle Universal Installer displays all the screens, screens for which you specify information in the response file and also screens for which you did not specify the required information in the response file. The advantage is that you can validate the values in the screens for which you have provided the information in the response file and continue with the installation. To use response file mode, run setup.exe without the -silent parameter, but include the response file or any other parameters that apply.

You define the settings for a silent or response file installation by entering values for the variables listed in the response file. For instance, to specify the Oracle home, you would supply the appropriate value for the ORACLE_HOME variable, as in the following example:

Another way of specifying the response file variable settings is to pass them as command-line arguments when you run Oracle Universal Installer. For example:

This method supports only the Oracle Home User passwords.

See Also:

  • My Oracle Support website for more information about response files:

C.1.1 Reasons for Using Silent Mode or Response File Mode

Table C-1describes several reasons why you might want to run Oracle Universal Installer in silent mode or response file mode.

Table C-1 Reasons for Using Silent Mode or Response File Mode



Use silent mode to:

  • Complete an unattended installation

  • Complete several similar installations on multiple systems without user interaction

Oracle Universal Installer displays progress information in the window that you used to start it, but it does not display the Oracle Universal Installer screens.

Response File

Use response file mode to complete similar Oracle software installations on multiple systems, providing default answers to some, but not all, of Oracle Universal Installer prompts.

In response file mode, all the installer screens are displayed, but defaults for the fields in these screens are provided by the response file. You have to provide information for the fields in screens where you have not provided values in the response file.

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C.1.2 General Procedure for Using Response Files

You follow these general steps to install Oracle Database using response files:

  1. If you plan to use Oracle Automatic Storage Management and configure new disks, then you must perform the following steps:

    1. Create partitions for DAS or SAN disks.

    2. Manually configure the disks using the asmtoolg or asmtool utility.

  2. Customize or create a response file for the installation settings that you need.

    You can create the response file by using one of the following methods:

    • Modify one of the sample response files that is provided with the installation.

    • Run Oracle Universal Installer at a command prompt and save the inputs by selecting the Save Response File option.

    'Preparing a Response File' explains how to customize or create the response file.

  3. Run Oracle Universal Installer from a command prompt, specifying the response file, using either silent or response file mode.


    Windows requires Administrator privileges at the command prompt.

    'Running Oracle Universal Installer Using the Response File' explains how to run Oracle Universal Installer with a response file.

C.2 Preparing a Response File

This section describes the methods that you can use to prepare a response file for use during silent-mode or response file-mode installations:

C.2.1 Editing a Response File Template

Oracle provides response file templates for each product and installation type, and for each configuration tool. These files are located in the ORACLE_BASEORACLE_HOMEassistants directory, and the databaseresponse directory on the Oracle Database installation media.


If you copied the software to a hard disk, the response files are located in the stage_areadatabaseresponse directory.

Table C-2 lists the available sample response files:

Table C-2 Response Files

Response File NameDescription


Silent installation of Oracle Database 12c


Silent installation of Oracle Grid Infrastructure


Silent installation of Database Configuration Assistant


Silent installation of Oracle Net Configuration Assistant


When you modify a response file template and save a file for use, the response file may contain plain text passwords. Ownership of the response file should be given to the Oracle software installation owner only. Oracle strongly recommends that database administrators or other administrators delete or secure response files when they are not in use.

To copy and modify a response file:

  1. Copy the appropriate response files from the databaseresponse directory on the Oracle Database media to your hard drive.

  2. Modify the response files with a text file editor.

    See Also:

    Oracle Universal Installer and OPatch User's Guide for Windows and UNIX
  3. Run the response file by following the instructions in the 'Running Oracle Universal Installer Using the Response File' section.

C.2.2 Saving a Response File

You can use the Oracle Universal Installer in interactive mode to save a response file, which you can edit and then use to complete silent mode or response file mode installations.

Starting with Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2), you can save all the installation steps into a response file during installation by clicking Save Response File on the Summary page. You can use the generated response file for a silent installation later.

When you save the response file, you can either complete the installation, or you can exit from Oracle Universal Installer on the Summary page, before it starts to copy the software to the system.


Oracle Universal Installer does not save passwords in the response file.

To save a response file:

  1. Ensure that the computer on which you are creating the response file has met the requirements described in Chapter 3.

    When you run Oracle Universal Installer to save a response file, it checks the system to verify that it meets the requirements to install the software. For this reason, Oracle recommends that you complete all of the required preinstallation tasks and save the response file while completing an installation.

  2. At the command prompt, use the cd command to change to the directory that contains the Oracle Universal Installer setup.exe executable.


    Windows requires Administrator privileges at the command prompt.

    On the installation DVD, setup.exe is located in the database directory. Alternatively, navigate to the directory where you downloaded or copied the installation files.

  3. Run setup.exe.

  4. After Oracle Universal Installer starts, enter the installation settings, to save the response file.

  5. When the installer displays the Summary screen, perform the following:

    1. Click Save Response File and specify a file name and location for the response file. Then, click Save to save the values to the file.

    2. Click Finish to continue with the installation.

      Click Cancel if you do not want to continue with the installation. The installation stops, but the saved response file is retained.

  6. Before you use the saved response file on another system, edit the file and make any required changes.

    Use the instructions in the file as a guide when editing it.

C.3 Running Oracle Universal Installer Using the Response File

At this stage, you are ready to run Oracle Universal Installer at the command line, specifying the response file you created, to perform the installation. On Windows, you must open the command prompt with Administrator privileges. The Oracle Universal Installer executable, setup.exe, provides several options. For help information about the full set of these options, run setup.exe with the -help option, for example:

A new command window appears, with the 'Preparing to launch..' message. In a moment, the help information appears in that window.

To run Oracle Universal Installer and specify a response file:

  1. Place the response file on the computer where you want to install Oracle Database.

  2. At a command prompt, run Oracle Universal Installer with the appropriate response file. On Windows, you must open the command prompt with Administrator privileges. For example:


    • filename: Identifies the full path of the response file.

    • setup.exe_location: Indicates the location of setup.exe.

    • -silent: Runs Oracle Universal Installer in silent mode and suppresses the Welcome window.

    • 'variable=setting' refers to a variable within the response file that you may prefer to run at the command line rather than set in the response file. Enclose the variable and its setting in quotes.

    • -noconfig: Suppresses running the configuration assistants during installation, performing a software-only installation instead.

    • -nowait: Closes the console window when the silent installation completes.

    If you save a response file during a silent installation, then Oracle Universal Installer saves the variable values that were specified in the original source response file into the new response file.

See Also:

C.4 Running Net Configuration Assistant Using a Response File

When you run Net Configuration Assistant with a response file, you run it in silent mode. This lets you configure and start an Oracle Net listener on the system, configure naming methods, and configure Oracle Net service names. To run NetCA in silent mode, use the netca.rsp response file in the ORACLE_BASEORACLE_HOMEassistantsnetca directory, and the response directory in the databaseresponse directory on the DVD.


If you copied the software to a hard disk, the response files are located in the stage_areadatabaseresponse directory.Rewrap.exe Oracle

On Windows, you must open the command prompt with Administrator privileges.

To create a Net Configuration Assistant response file:

  1. Copy the netca.rsp response file template from the response file directory to a directory on your system.

    The netca.rsp is located in the databaseresponse directory on the Oracle Database installation media.

  2. Open the response file in a text editor.

  3. Edit the file, following the instructions in the file.

    Net Configuration Assistant fails if you do not correctly configure the netca.rsp response file.

To run Net Configuration Assistant using the response file you just created, run Net Configuration Assistant in silent mode as follows, replacing local_dir with the directory where you placed your version of the netca.rsp response file:

For example:

C.5 Running Oracle Database Configuration Assistant Using a Response File

You can run Oracle Database Configuration Assistant in silent or response file mode to configure and start an Oracle database on your system. To run Oracle Database Configuration Assistant in silent or response file mode, use the dbca.rsp response file in the ORACLE_BASEORACLE_HOMEassistantsnetca directory, and the response directory in the databaseresponse directory on the DVD.


If you copied the software to a hard disk, the response files are located in the stage_areadatabaseresponse directory.

To run Database Configuration Assistant in response file mode, you must use the -responseFile flag in combination with either the -silent or -progressOnly flag. To run Database Configuration Assistant in response file mode, you must use a graphical display and set the DISPLAY environment variable.

See Also:

On Windows, you must open the command prompt with Administrator privileges.

This section contains the following topics:

C.5.1 Silent Mode of Database Configuration Assistant

Use the -silent flag in combination with the -responseFile flag to set the mode to silent. In the silent mode, Database Configuration Assistant uses values that you specify, in the response file or as command-line options, to create a database. No window or user interface is displayed in the silent mode.

C.5.2 Progress Only Mode of Database Configuration Assistant

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Use the -progressOnly flag in combination with the -responseFile flag, to set the mode to progress only. As it configures and starts the database, Database Configuration Assistant displays a window that contains status messages and a progress bar.

In this mode, Database Configuration Assistant uses values that you specify, in the response file or as command line options, to create a database.

C.5.3 Running Database Configuration Assistant in Response File Mode

To create an Oracle Database Configuration Assistant response file:

  1. Copy the dbca.rsp response file template from the response file directory to a directory on your system.

    The dbca.rsp response file is located in the databaseresponse directory on the Oracle Database installation media.

  2. Open the dbca.rsp response file in a text editor.

  3. Edit the dbca.rsp file, following the instructions in the file.

    Oracle Database Configuration Assistant fails if you do not correctly configure the dbca.rsp response file.

To run Oracle Database Configuration Assistant using the response file you just created, run Oracle Database Configuration Assistant in silent or response file mode using the following syntax:

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  • -silent runs Oracle Database Configuration Assistant in silent mode

  • -progressOnly runs Oracle Database Configuration Assistant in response file mode

  • local_dir is the full path of the directory where you copied the dbca.rsp response file template.

For example:

As an alternative to creating a database using a response file, you can run dbca at the command line by specifying all the required information as command line options. Database Configuration Assistant writes progress messages to stdout. For information about the list of options supported, enter the following command:

C.6 Postinstallation Configuration Using a Response File

Use the following sections to create and run a response file configuration after installing Oracle software.

C.6.1 About the Postinstallation Configuration File

When you run a silent or response file installation, you provide information about your servers in a response file that you otherwise provide manually during a graphical user interface installation. However, the response file does not contain passwords for user accounts that configuration assistants require after software installation is complete. The configuration assistants are started with a script called configToolAllCommands. You can run this script in response file mode by using a password response file. The script uses the passwords to run the configuration tools in succession to complete configuration.

If you keep the password file to use for clone installations, then Oracle strongly recommends that you store it in a secure location. In addition, if you must stop an installation to fix an error, you can run the configuration assistants using configToolAllCommands and a password response file.

The configToolAllCommands password response file consists of the following syntax options:

  • internal_component_name is the name of the component that the configuration assistant configures

  • variable_name is the name of the configuration file variable

  • value is the desired value to use for configuration.

The command syntax is as follows:


For example:

Oracle strongly recommends that you maintain security with a password response file:

  • Permissions on the response file should be set to 600.

  • The owner of the response file should be the installation owner user, with the group set to the central inventory (oraInventory) group.

C.6.2 Running Postinstallation Configuration Using a Response File

To run configuration assistants with the configToolAllCommands script:

  1. Create a response file using the syntax For example:

  2. Open the file with a text editor, and cut and paste the password template, modifying as needed.

    Example C-1 Password response file for Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a standalone server

    Oracle Grid Infrastructure requires passwords for Oracle Automatic Storage Management Configuration Assistant (ASMCA), and for Intelligent Platform Management Interface Configuration Assistant (IPMICA) if you have a BMC card and you want to enable this feature. Provide the following response file,

    Example C-2 Password response file for Oracle Database

    Oracle Database configuration requires the SYS, SYSTEM, and DBSNMP passwords for use with Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA). The S_ASMSNMPPASSWORD password is necessary only if the database is using Oracle ASM for storage. Similarly, the S_PDBADMINPASSWORD password is necessary only if you create a multitenant container database (CDB) with one or more pluggable databases (PDBs). Also, if you selected to configure Oracle Enterprise Manager, then you must provide the password for the Oracle software installation owner for the S_EMADMINPASSWORD password.

    If you do not want to enable Oracle Enterprise Manager or Oracle ASM, then leave those password fields blank.

  3. Secure the file by changing permissions in Properties page. Right-click the file to open the Properties page. Select the Security tab, click the Edit button, select a group or user, then select Deny check box against Read permissions to remove read access for unwanted users.

  4. Change directory to ORACLE_HOMEcfgtoollogs

  5. Before running configToolAllCommands, rename it using the following command:

    copy configToolAllCommands configToolAllCommands.bat

  6. Run the configuration script using the following syntax:


    for example:

Using the installer script and the setup command is the fastest way to get up and running with the CLI.

Oracle recommends that you avoid using string values that include confidential information.

Installing the CLI

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The installer script automatically installs the CLI and its dependencies, Python and virtualenv. Before running the installer, be sure you meet the Requirements.

Oracle Autonomous Linux 7 and Cloud Shell have the CLI pre-installed.

MacOS, Linux, and Unix

  1. Open a terminal.
  2. To run the installer script, run the following command.

  3. Respond to the Installation Script Prompts.


  1. Open the PowerShell console using the Run as Administrator option.
  2. The installer enables auto-complete by installing and running a script. To allow this script to run, you must enable the RemoteSigned execution policy.

    To configure the remote execution policy for PowerShell, run the following command.

  3. To run the installer script, run the following command.

  4. Respond to the Installation Script Prompts.

Installation Script Prompts

The installation script prompts you for the following information.

  • If you do not have a compatible version of Python installed:
    • Windows and Linux: You are prompted to provide a location for installing the binaries and executables. The script will install Python for you.
    • MacOS: You are notified that your version of Python is incompatible. You must upgrade before you can proceed with the installation. The script will not install Python for you.
  • When prompted to upgrade the CLI to the newest version, respond with Y to overwrite an existing installation.
  • When prompted to update your PATH, respond with Y to be able to invoke the CLI without providing the full path to the executable. This will add oci.exe to your PATH.

Setting up the Config File

Before using the CLI, you must create a config file that contains the required credentials for working with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. You can create this file using a setup dialog or manually using a text editor.

Use the Setup Dialog

To have the CLI walk you through the first-time setup process, use the oci setup config command. The command prompts you for the information required for the config file and the API public/private keys. The setup dialog generates an API key pair and creates the config file.

For more information about how to find the required information, see:

Manual Setup

If you want to set up the API public/private keys yourself and write your own config file, see SDK and Tool Configuration.


Use the oci setup keys command to generate a key pair to include in the config file.

Next Steps

  • For details on starting a session, see Starting a CLI Session
  • Getting Started with the Command Line Interface provides an end-to-end walk-through of using the CLI to launch an instance.
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Release 2 (9.2)

Part Number A96624-01


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This appendix shows you how to run the Wrap Utility, a standalone programming utility that encrypts PL/SQL source code. You can use the Wrap Utility to deliver PL/SQL applications without exposing your source code.

This appendix discusses the following topics:

Advantages of Wrapping PL/SQL Procedures

By hiding application internals, the Wrap Utility prevents

  • Misuse of your application by other developers
  • Exposure of your algorithms to business competitors

Wrapped code is as portable as source code. The PL/SQL compiler recognizes and loads wrapped compilation units automatically. Other advantages include

  • Platform independence--you need not deliver multiple versions of the same compilation unit
  • Dynamic loading--users need not shut down and re-link to add a new feature
  • Dynamic binding--external references are resolved at load time
  • Strict dependency checking--invalidated program units are recompiled automatically
  • Normal importing and exporting--the Import/Export utility accepts wrapped files

Limitations of the Wrap Utility

String literals, number literals, and names of variables, tables, and columns remain in plain text within the wrapped file. Wrapping a procedure helps to hide the algorithm and prevent reverse-engineering, but it is not a way to hide passwords or table names that you want to be secret.

Some recent SQL syntax is not supported by the wrap utility by default. To enable the support for all SQL syntax, specify the option edebug=wrap_new_sql (with no dash). This option is not the default because it causes all SQL statements to appear in plain text in the wrapped file.

Running the Wrap Utility

To run the Wrap Utility, enter the wrap command at your operating system prompt using the following syntax:

Leave no space around the equal signs because spaces delimit individual arguments.

The wrap command requires only one argument, which is

where input_file is the name of the Wrap Utility input file. You need not specify the file extension because it defaults to sql. For example, the following commands are equivalent:

However, you can specify a different file extension as the following example shows:

Optionally, the wrap command takes a second argument, which is

where output_file is the name of the Wrap Utility output file. You need not specify the output file because its name defaults to that of the input file and its extension defaults to plb (PL/SQL binary). For example, the following commands are equivalent:

However, you can use the option oname to specify a different file name and extension, as the following example shows:

Input and Output Files for the Wrap Utility

The input file can contain any combination of SQL statements. However, the Wrap Utility encrypts only the following CREATE statements, which define subprograms, packages, or object types:

All other SQL statements are passed intact to the output file. Comment lines are deleted unless they appear inside a subprogram, package, or object type.

When encrypted, a subprogram, package, or object type has the form

where header begins with the reserved word CREATE and ends with the name of the subprogram, package, or object type, and body is an intermediate form of object code. The word wrapped tells the PL/SQL compiler that the subprogram, package, or object type was encrypted by the Wrap Utility.

The header can contain comments. For example, the Wrap Utility converts


Generally, the output file is much larger than the input file.

Error Handling in the Wrap Utility

If your input file contains syntax errors, the Wrap Utility detects and reports them. However, the Wrap Utility cannot detect semantic errors because it does not resolve external references. For example, it does not report the following error (table or view does not exist):

The PL/SQL compiler resolves external references. So, semantic errors are reported when the Wrap Utility output file (.plb file) is compiled.

Version Compatibility

The Wrap Utility is upward-compatible with Oracle. So, for example, you can load files processed by the V8.1.5 Wrap Utility into a V8.1.6 Oracle database. However, the Wrap Utility is not downward-compatible with Oracle. So, for example, you cannot load files processed by the V8.1.6 Wrap Utility into a V8.1.5 Oracle database.


When wrapping a package or object type, wrap only the body, not the spec. That way, other developers see the information they need to use the package or type, but they do not see its implementation.

Like all encrypted files, wrapped files cannot be edited. To revise a wrapped file, you must revise and re-wrap the underlying source code. So, do not wrap a subprogram, package, or object type until it is ready for shipment to end-users.

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